Youth and Family Newsletter March 2020

A Message from Our Director of Youth and Family Ministry

Hello Everyone,

Look with me now to this verse.

The Prayer of Faith

God is my health. I can't be sick.
God is my strength, unfailing quick.
God is my all. I know no fear.
Since God and Love and Truth are here.

This prayer in its entirety has twelve powerful affirmations for our youth and families to cling to during times of uncertainty. Any one line can provide the encouragement we may need during this time of physical distancing from our friends and family. My son and I memorized it when he was going to middle school and it is considered the second most used prayer in all of Unity after the Prayer for Protection. It first appeared in the Unity children’s publication Wee Wisdom in 1898, but its impact is still significant today. Share these affirmations with each other and truly feel their power.

As your families begin to adjust to a new normal, your children and grandchildren may be feeling overwhelmed by the changing energy around them, and Unity of Gainesville would like to provide a calming presence for families. Let us know how we can support you.

The Unity of Gainesville Youth and Family Ministry is suspending classes in the spirit of community and to comply with CDCs recommendations for physical distancing. We recognize the importance of continued spiritual guidance, social contact, and increased self-care during a time of uncertainty and interrupted routines. So in the meantime, may we find comfort that we are all in this together, and we can turn to each other for encouragement and understanding.

First, I would like to leave you with some suggestions at your finger tips.

Begin by remaining calm. In previous research I have done on stress, all the experts agree that simply a deep breath makes all the difference in the world.  But admittedly in times like this we wonder how safe our airways are and fear can creep in, but do try to stick with facts and keep your emotions in check. Create routine. Play and Pray together. Be compassionate. Keep communication open. Validate concerns. Provide reassurance.













Okay, so you may say this is no small order especially when many of you are homeschooling for the first time ever. It may be a lot to unpack right now, but let’s just stick with it and do it a little at a time. I’m here for the duration. I will continue to post new suggestions and ways for us to connect during this unprecedented time. I can send you spiritual lessons to do at home.  We can use Zoom or other apps to discuss and unpack them together.  I know some middle schoolers and high schoolers have their own phones, and for those who don’t this may be a time when we teach digital responsibility to all ages, so we can continue to meet together. It seems like all youth must have tablets or computers at home to do digital school. So as Reverend Robin begins to share messages online, we can plan to do the same. This is a learning curve for all of us. Stay informed.

 Click here for the website for the CDC

So secondly, I would like to offer some practical, spiritual, fun and creative activities to do with the gift of extra family time you will all have in the coming weeks. Come back to this space often as I discover more and more for families to do

Before life as we knew it was interrupted by the virus, we were practicing nonviolence for 64 days in YFM. This is still possible for you all to do with your family every day until April 4th

Today, March 19, is Honor

Teens – Recognize and Honor those who have supported you through hard times.

Children – Before your meals today Honor all those that brought it to you today.

Go here to continue practicing until April 4th.    

Visit MLK Historic Site online since we had to postpone our 3/22/20 field trip.  Just click here

You can go here for games to play.

TED-ed Talks -  video lessons & questions about nearly anything for kids. Here's the site.

Sing two verses of this song while washing hands…. Class Joy Song perfect for healthy mindset

Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy Click here for the song  Karl  Anthony

Click here for a fun Science Experiment

Finally, limit the amount of time you spend with the news on the television.  Be a role model.  Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Connect with your friends and family members. Put on your oxygen mask before you resuscitate others.   And above all Spread Love not the Virus. 

Managing Stress and Anxiety: Here's a useful podcast from Psychology Today.

Here's another great video to help you talk to your kids about COVID 19

Click here for more information from Child Mind Institute  

Things to help you guage how your child is coping. (CDC/signs to look for)

Talking with your family about coronavirus will help them to cope with the fear and anxiety that news of such a disease can bring. Continue to keep your family safe.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”  Trust that no matter what happens, God has this.