
Three smiling people volunteering

Volunteer Teams

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."   -Mahatma Gandhi

We all have sacred gifts and wonderful talents to offer one another. These offerings are woven together to create a tapestry of kindness and compassion...a community of love.

We have a thriving volunteer program that offers a place for anyone seeking to share their talents and passion. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our office by calling (770) 534-0949 or by emailing unityofgville@gmail.com. We look forward to talking with you about any of our volunteer teams.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Rev. Dr. Danny Spears, President; Scott Bellamy, Vice President; Lavonne Hoglund, Secretary; Cindy Balkstra, Treasurer; Terri Kelley, Member-at-Large; Mary Tovar, Member-at-Large

BOOKSTORE: Lynn White, Lead; Mary Tovar, Leslie Wilson

CELEBRATION TEAM: Rev. Dr. Danny Spears, Lead; Cindy Balkstra, Marlon Balkstra, Sabine Sharpton, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Sabine

PRAYER CHAPLAINS: Darlene Becker, Emeritus; and Lavonne Hoglund, Lead; Darlene Becker, Sheri Johnson, Jan McCue

CONGREGATION CARE (Special Occasion Cards): Lavonne Hoglund, Lead; Marian Stoneman

EARTHCARE: P Kay Hambrick, Lead; Mary Lee Gadbois

FACILITIES/MAINTENANCE: Scott Bellamy, Lead; Guadalupe Gonzalez, Church Cleaning; Rick Gadbois (emergency contact and emergency contact only)

FINANCE TEAM: Cindy Balkstra, Lead; Lynn White, Rick Gadbois, Rev. Dr. Danny Spears

GREETERS: Terri Kelley, Lead; Patricia Bonaparte, Robert Becker (5th Sundays only), Frances Leucke



LABYRINTH: Sheri Johnson, Dan Paschel

NOMINATING COMMITTEE:  Patricia Bonaparte (Cindy Collard, alternate)

PHONE TREE: Lavonne Hoglund, Lead; Cindy Balkstra, Darlene Becker, Rick Gadbois, P Kay Hambrick, Terri Kelley, Helen Vaughn, Lynn White

PRAYER TEAM: Darlene Becker and Lavonne Hoglund, Co-Leaders; Cindy Balkstra, Marlon Balkstra, Rick Gadbois, P Kay Hambrick, Sheri Johnson, Terri Martin Kelley, Jere McMahan, Barbara Schaeffer, Jo Sherwood, Rev. Dr. Danny Spears, Marian Stoneman, Helen Vaughn, Lynn White, Leslie Wilson

SACRED SAFETY: Terri Kelley, Lead, Darlene Becker, Elliott Brass (with Shalom b'Harim), Lavonne Hoglund, Debbie Stanley (with Atlantis Triangle)

SPECIAL GROUPS: Scott Bellamy, Liaison, Shalom b'Harim, Atlantis Triangle, Cub Scouts