Through the decades thoughts about the long standing American tradition of Halloween has shifted. Back in my day families and children roamed the blocks of the city hood in all kinds of home made monster masquerades and masks...from witches to hippies, from zombies to rock stars, from skeletons to clowns. Few worried about our motives, our cavities, our safety, our religious leanings. It was a neighborhood event, and everyone participated.
Today the holiday at times seems charged with disturbing ideas of the occult, with dietaryrestrictions, with fear of personal safety, but the irony is that the holiday was the church’s idea. All Hallows Eve the day before All Saints Day is the day the church celebrates life beyond death as exemplified in the resurrection. On this day many cultures remember and honor their deceased family and friends. It makes sense that during autumn when the leaves fall and the ground becomes barren that our hearts turn to the cycle of life so evident in nature. It is a time to consider releasing those things that we have completed from the previous year and to look towards the possibility of what lies ahead...symbolically a rebirth or resurrection, or a harvesting of our bounty.
Halloween and All Saints Day also provide an example of Unity’s principle of denial andaffirmation. On one hand, Halloween can be seen as a denial of the power of fear and darkness in our life. And on the other hand, All Saints Day can be seen as an affirmation of what we want now and inviting that into our lives; therefore, Halloween does not have to be filled with fear, but it can be a time to give
just a little extra thought to the fact that we are spiritual beings with eternal life. Consider the idea that we live on in different forms and in different ways. We continually recreate ourselves through the cycles of life. Whatever “deaths” you have experienced this year whether it be death of ideas, loved ones, attitudes, relationships, or dreams, Halloween is the perfect time to honor the shift and to welcome the new energy into your life.
So the celebration of Halloween in metaphysical terms is a spiritual movement from darkness into the light. We recognize and deny the power of fear over us. We do this, not by tricking it, but rather by treating it with respect and acknowledgement. We admit that we feel scared by skeletons in our closet, by ghostly appearances, by mysterious witches and potions, ugly emotions, unexpected obstacles. Yet, by remembering the light of God that is inside each of us, we are able to move through life shining light on our path and casting out the darkness.
Even though we may feel like a goblin or a ghost, we remember that we are all the same, filled with Christ light. We are all potential saints to those around us. Even with our masks on we cannot disguise who we truly are in spirit. We make a difference by expressing love and by doing that we allow spirit to shine forth to guide us along our path. So have no fear it is time to participate again and join your spiritual family in the spirit of LOVE on Sunday, October 27, 2019. The Youth and Family Ministry invites you to come in costume and to open your decorated trunk to the youth with treats, games, affirmations, candy, fruit or even some tricks. Sign up with Helen on the back table or in the foyer ... Get your Monster on and join in the fun !!!
Some Halloween Metaphysics -- Revealing Word by
Masks and Costumes -- Costumes represent the physical side of our nature that is often used to cover and hide our true being or spiritual self, our defensive armor. We wear a masks of our outward personality which can disguise our true Christ Self, but underneath we remain who we truly are, our spiritual Christ Self.
Halloween Night -- Setting off into the night dressed in a mask and costume, ends by returning home to the light and taking the costume and mask off. This journey brings us from the dark to the light and represents our souls journey into the fullness of the Christ-consciousness.
Ghosts and Goblins -- Scary creatures are a symbol of our scary thoughts and negativity. All the beliefs that we have that we are not good enough, smart enough or pretty enough. They may frighten us, but they have no power over us. Just like the costumed ghouls we meet trick or treating, they are not real.
Jack-O-Lanterns -- The candle in a pumpkin shining out through the face can remind us of our own divine light within. If we use the formal name for Jack, we have John who is the disciple representing love. The light of love from within will always dispel all darkness.
Bonfires -- In Celtic times the hearth was very important. It was the source of all hear and cooking and was kept burning all year long. The tradition of starting the hearth from an ember
of the Halloween bonfire represents the spark of divine light that is in each one of us which comes from one source, the Spirit of God.
Treats -- Don’t be “tricked” by the negative... instead “treat” yourself to the positive.
Scarecrow -- Jump for Joy !! All the crows eating up the “good seeds” have been chased away !!
Monsters -- Our error thinking creates our own inner monsters.
Tombstone -- We can “Rest in Peace” while in this body and give up the old to experience the new.
10/31 - 11/1 numerology -- All Saints day Seeing the 111 together is the number of angels. This is a day of opportunity after a day of releasing and darkness. Take advantage of a time to manifest your desires and shining a light on what is to come.