A good friend and colleague, Dr. Roger Teel, authored a book a few years back entitled “This Life Is Joy” – “Discovering the Spiritual Laws to Live More Powerfully, Lovingly and Happily.” It is one of my favorites.
As I recently contemplated being with you this Sunday, April 15, my clear guidance was to speak on “Joy,” -the kind of joy that is deeply rooted in our higher Self.
Each of us has been gifted by God, the full measure of that joy. In Isaiah 55:12 we read, “For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field, shall clap their hands.”
As we survey the human condition these days (and in the past as well), there appears to be more wringing of hands than “clapping” -all the more reason to rediscover that eternal and very real wellspring of joy that the mystics and masters have taught through the ages.
In my talk on Sunday morning, we will visit this wellspring and together, encourage an experience of this authentic and precious gift.
And if you can, join us in the afternoon for the workshop I am leading. We will examine the mystical mind Powers of Love, Wisdom and Imagination and engage the Christ within to activate these powers more fully in our lives.
It is offered as an experiential workshop to assist you in breathing new life into your life, bringing more joy, peace and light to your sacred journey.
Mary and I are looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!
In Love and in Joy,
Rev. Steve