Expectation vs Expectancy: Part II
Is Life Happening To Me, For Me, Through Me?
Are you aware of the story you tell yourself about a situation, event, person?
Is it empowering or disempowering? Does it serve your best and highest?
Changing your unconscious reaction to a conscious response is always within your power… It’s always A Choice!
How did the master teacher, Jesus, navigate challenging situations?
Create a Holy Shift in consciousness. Elevate and expand your perspective through the powers of:
- Willingness
- Mindfulness
- Surrender
- Trust
- Faith
Embrace your divinity, claim your sovereignty, free yourself, to live a fulfilling, meaningful, prosperous and joyful life;
allowing the Christ light to flow to you, through you, and as you!
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Rev. Jeanie Ward
Jeanie is a dynamic and gifted motivational speaker, and Holistic Life Transformation Coach. Her 35 years of professional and personal experience, intuitive gifts and proven, practical wisdom has inspired thousands of people to awaken to their magnificence, and create a fulfilling, purposeful and abundant life.