Expecting the Unexpected: Expectation vs Expectancy!
Do you trust in a divine outcome, already unfolding; knowing that God always has your back? Is your faith, your consciousness, beliefs, aligned with an all knowing God that always has your good in mind?
What do you do with life’s ups and downs, disappointments?
Learn to navigate life‘s challenges, and uncertainty with wisdom, assurance, courage, joy, and gratitude.
“Just because it’s not what you were expecting, doesn’t mean it’s not everything you need right now.” ~Paulo Coelho
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Rev. Jeanie Ward
Jeanie is a dynamic and gifted motivational speaker, and Holistic Life Transformation Coach. Her 35 years of professional and personal experience, intuitive gifts and proven, practical wisdom has inspired thousands of people to awaken to their magnificence, and create a fulfilling, purposeful and abundant life.