The Journey of Emergence
One of the great things about spring is the emergence of all the beautiful plants, flowers, and the rainbow of colors they bring (the pollen, not so much).
Before emerging, however, these plants spent significant time under ground in the darkness, drawing strength from the nutrients in the soil. And as they grow upward, they also send their roots deeper into the soil to obtain needed nourishment and stability to withstand the challenges the weather sometimes brings.
Sounds a lot like life sometimes, huh?
Join us as we take a journey of Emergence, based largely on Derek Rydall's book "Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change."
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Rev. Dr. Danny Spears
Rev. Danny is a spiritual traveler whose journey began in Pentecostalism and continued through what is sometimes called “Progressive Christianity.” Ordained and licensed as a Minister in Metropolitan Community Churches since 2001, he is a student of Unity and New Thought teachings since 2015 and is currently working toward full ordination and licensure as a Unity Minister. Rev. Danny also holds Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Rev. Danny and Richard, his husband of 25 years, share 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and multiple grand cats and grand dogs. They also share their Canton, Georgia home with Dylan, their 12-year-old “kitten.”