Rite of Ordination Ceremony for Rev. Dr. Danny Spears
Join us for the celebration of Rev. Danny's Rite of Ordination in Unity. Rev. Becky Whitehead will officiate. A potluck lunch will follow the service.
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Rev. Becky Whitehead
Rev. Becky retired as a Spiritual Leader of Unity of Omaha in April of 2022, where she supported the community in becoming debt-free and on a firm growth foundation. She utilized her Leadership & Organizational Development talents to establish the Enlightened and Empowered Leadership Academy. Rev. Becky is the minister of record for Unity communities in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Evansville, Indiana. She supports them through web-based services, on-site visits, and cyber discussions.
Most recently, she has been working with UWM in their Ministerial Consulting and Transitional Minister program and is supporting Unity of Bandon, Oregon, and Unity of Littleton, Colorado, and Beaumont, TX, as they prepare for a new Senior Minister.
Currently, she serves as a mentor to new and upcoming Unity Ministers, as a panelist for the Licensed Unity Teachers Skills Demonstration Seminar, on the credentialling team of UWM, and is on the leadership team of Unity's Field Ministry Program.
Rev. Becky found a transformational program in 2021 that changed her life on all levels. Her health improved, and she released over 85 pounds, and she is living her best and most precious life. This discovery prompted her to become a Transformation coach for the system that changed her life.
Rev. Becky sees the advancement of human consciousness as something the world is calling out for and strives to live the principles and teach them in all aspects of her life.