Annual Ministry Meeting
Sunday, February 18th after Service
Everyone is invited. Only members can vote. At this meeting, you will meet the new
board members. Kathy Lucado has said yes to the position being vacated by Barbara
Schaeffer. This ia a 3-year term. Joan Snow will complete Sheri Johnson's remaining
two years. Lavonne Hoglund is our new alternate, serving a one-year term.
The Board will recap 2017, which has been a great and vibrant year for us. Board
Treasurer, Rick Gadbois, will present the 2018 financial vision. This meeting will last no
longer than 60 minutes. Please plan to attend.
"Tending to Priorities"
with Rev. Robin Volker
Sunday, February 25th @ 11:00 a.m.
What are the really important things in your life? Are you making time
for those things? Or are the little, inconsequential things taking up all
the creative space in your life?
"Why Jesus"
with Rev. Larry Church
Sunday, February 4th @ 11:00 a.m.
The reason Unity co-founders, Charles & Myrtle Fillmore, chose Jesus
as their Prophet and Teacher may not be for the reason you think.
Rev. Larry Church will give examples of why He was their choice.